The Blatchfords are a family of five from Maple Ridge, BC, around an hour outside Vancouver. When the kids were younger we took an annual vacation to the BC interior at Christina Lake and made other short trips to Oregon, Sun Peaks, Whistler and Mount Rainer. In 2009, we circumnavigated the world on an eleven-week adventure, and then from 2014-2017 we took shorter trips to places like Argentina, Spain, Morocco, Yellowstone, Death Valley, Panama and Costa Rica.

Bevan has always been fascinated with maps and places of interest. Borders, flags, capital cities and history are all of interest.

Lynne enjoys a white sandy beach with azul blue water but also likes seeing various cities and other cultures. Her favourite place is Christina Lake in Beautiful BC, Canada.

Natasha loves travelling and especially loves cats. She is always left behind when we walk as she makes friends with local cats. She loves all animals, but it's cats that are always holding us up. Natasha and Dad did a road trip through Ireland in 2016 and a Balkan road trip in 2022.

Alyssa's favourite country is undoubtedly Australia. Her favourite animal is Wombats as seen in this picture taken in Tasmania in 2019. She likes Australia so much that she went on her first-ever international trip to Australia in 2023 and now lives in Perth. Alyssa and Dad spent a month in Australia in 2019, visiting Brisbane, the Whitsundays, Tasmania, Sydney and Melbourne.
Nicholas also recently went on his first solo trip, meeting his friends in Prague and then travelling with them for three weeks. He was 12 when he first set foot on his sixth continent. Nick and Dad road tripped in Iceland in 2018, spent a month in Europe in 2021 and spent six weeks in 2023 island hoping in the Mediterranean, Central Europe and Jordan.
After our 2009 trip around the world we started naming our cats after places we've been. Sam was our first cat and pre-dates this.

Sam was born in 1991 and was named Sam because my grandfather always liked the name Sam.
Mykonos was born in 2009 and is named after the Greek Island
Neva was born in 2010 and was named after the river that flows through St. Petersburg, Russia
Cairo was born in 2021 and belongs to Alyssa.
Let us know if you have any questions, or comments or need help planning a trip.