The last stop

Catalan coast and Valencia


10/17/20231 min read

Valencia may be Spain’s best city, and that’s saying something in a country with Madrid, Barcelona, Grenada, Sevilla, and Cordoba. Boasting a year-round perfect climate, Valencia is Spain’s 3rd largest city. It has a great old town and very pretty and wide streets. Valencia is the birthplace of Spain’s most famous cuisine, Paella. Apparently, the Holy Grail ended up in one of the churches in Valencia, we didn’t go to that one, but we did enter the St. Nicholas church to see what’s known as the Valencian Sistine Chapel.

On the way south we stopped at Tarragona, which has several Roman ruins, but we had a hard time finding a spot to park and needed to get to Valencia, so our time was cut short. Just another destination I’ll need to come back to. Valencia will be another one of those places to come back to as it seems like the best of Spain in one city. Two days just wasn’t enough time.

I’m hoping the weather in Vancouver is close to yesterday’s 31 and sunny in Valencia!